The Impact of Local SEO on Small Retailers

claim that loyalty programs do not engender loyalty at all (Accenture, 2017). A lot has been written and researched about the purchase process (Ajzen, 2011; Howard, & Shethe, 1969) but there is a lack of theories on repurchase models in the academic literature. In a normal purchase process, a customer identifies a need, looks for information, evaluates alternatives 

and makes a decision (Blackwell et al.,2006). As regards repurchase intend, the process is somehow different as the customer has already had previous experience at a certain place or with a certain product or service. That is why the nature of the relationship between the customer and the brand is becoming increasingly important given the need to retain 

customers in a highly competitive global sector. Every stage includes variables that should be considered and that have been adapted to the repurchase model we are proposing. Based on the above mentioned EKB (Engel, Kollat and Blackwell) decision making model, we have constructed my own research model to explain repurchase process and how a customer 

repeats an operation with the same

retailer or service supplier. We are aware that models are very helpful, but they also have limitations. They show a global vision, help to identify information areas, and allow the quantification of variables. Therefore, they are not exhaustive and they cannot show all the elements of the process. Apart from that, the importance of the elements can be different for 

different products or services and for different individuals and also vary according to the complexity of the purchase. Despitewith the purchase itself but with the use and experience of the good or service. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction will inevitably lead to a post purchase feeling that will meet the customer’s expectations and therefore, take him to a new purchase. 

The above explanation is summarized in FigureCustomers are changing where, how and even why they shop (Nelson & Leon, 2012). The future of retail is all about using technology to strengthen customer relationships and improve the customer experience (Eisenberg et al., 2016).It is said that they prefer to shop online from a retailer of good repute, which favours 

multichannel retailing strategy compared 

to the pure online retailing strategy (Piercy, 2012). Nevertheless, the notion that increases in customer loyalty as a result of proper order fulfilment leads to a stronger motivation to shop at a given outlet is true for physical stores as well as for online retailers (Agnihotri, 2015). Bearing in mind that purchases nowadays follow a very different process depending on 

whether they are done in physical stores or online, we have adapted the previous mentioned repurchase model to an omnichannel process that represents the combination between both worlds, online and offline. Since the initial online visit to the website can help to build trust through the online navigation experience (Koufaris, 2004) , it is impossible to tell whether the 

online trust formed is due to the online navigation experience or through the customer's interactions with the offline presence (physical stores) (Kuan & Bock, 2007). While an offline retail presence may reassure customers purchasing from an online channel, poor service online may negatively influence customer usage of an offline channel (Piercy, 2012). The 

increasing use of customer supportive 

technologies and applications within the physical retail store in the context of the omnichannel retailing era has enhanced shopping experience and store atmosphere (Lazaris et al., 2015). Feeling the right personal experience at a certain retail store can be a very important evaluative factor and lead the customer to repeat a purchase to feel the experience again 

(Deloitte, 2017a) . In the same way, a web atmospheric cue is comparable to a brick-and-mortar atmospheric cue and can be defined as any web interface component that stimulates one’s senses (Dailey, 2004). Some studies (Eisenberg et al., 2016; Nelson & Leon, 2012; PWC, 2017) indicate that online shopping is not going to be the trend in the near future as it 

does not provide with the shopping experience of the brick and mortar shop. Omnichannel retailers work by exploiting synergies between their offline and online presence to provide better customer service, especially through the transfer of customers' trust of the offline to the online presence (Stewart, 2003). It is very likely that a substantial proportion of customers 


have already formed offline trust before they visit the retailers' website (Kuan & Bock, 2007). The retail industry is getting reinvented (Evans & Schmalensee, 2016) and retailers need a clear guide of what to do and a deep knowledge of customer behaviour. Retail reinvention is not a simple battle to the death between bricks and clicks (Evans & Schmalensee, 2016) but a peaceful integration. When considering the purchase process under an omnichannel model, 

we will consider that customers act in different ways and from different departure points and combining both worlds, online and offlineWebrooming: combines online channels and brick-and-mortar retail opportunities. But instead of viewing products in-store and purchasing them online, webrooming consumers research products online before visiting a brick-and-mortar 

store for final evaluation and purchase (Edwards, 2014). The opposite of showrooming, consumers mainly use for convenience, especially if they need a product immediately. This should become more common as in-store inventory visibility increases on e-Commerce sites. Also common for consumers who want to avoid shipping costs (Worldpay, 2015)It was caused by a tracking error in the analytics code, not a drop in sales!) Another client collects leads and 


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