
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Business of Motorcycle Travel Agencies in the U.S.

Think of a recent Globe and Mail column in which the author argues an Albertine-based pension would provide "capital for Albertan politicians's pet projects," implying the guiding principle of the pension plan would be money for politicians not maximizing risk-adjusted returns for Albertans. The first misleading statement appears in the second paragraph. Still, conversations thus far suggest that any Alberta pension would be guided by similar ideas—that of maximizing returns for participants—that define the CPP. The very following paragraph, which addresses the total value of assets an Albert pension plan would be qualified to withdraw from the CPP fund, makes another perplexing assertion. Although Alberta is "responsible for only 16 percent of contributions," the author claims she wants more than half of the CPP's money. Actually, however, specific legislation controls the withdrawal of any province and the asset distribution calculation, which basically ce...

Motorcycle Safety Regulations How They Impact U.S. Businesses

The procurement mechanism is essentially out of line with our soldiers' need for vital defense equipment. For a variety of reasons over the past four decades the system has grown increasingly sluggish and less able to satisfy our national defense requirements. First has been the rise of non-defence goals in procurement, most notably providing social and economic advantages to Canadian society via these acquisitions. Second, a lot of supposed mistakes—like the first canceling of the F-35 purchase in 2012—led to poorly thought out changes. It piled layer upon layer of pointless procedures, therefore diluting individual responsibility, and driving program delays and expenses. Although our current circumstances is not ideal, the CAF of the future—which in fact is already here—should cause great alarm. Reflecting the fast and basic changes our societies are going through because of the convergence of new technology, war is also changing. What I said previously captures a 20th-century pe...

The U.S. Motorcycle Industry’s Supply Chain Challenges

The Trudeau government has been striving for more cooperation. The prime minister has charged the Conservative Party with seeking to bully municipalities, a description I'm sure Mr. Poilievre appreciates. Their response was to go for a carrot instead of a stick. Their offering is the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). If municipalities reach housing targets, the HAF will provide them fresh money instead of hiding already existing monies. Although on appearances the two policies seem to be somewhat different, they are really not. For all intents and purposes, withholding regular infrastructure money against deciding not to provide cash through a new program is the same method. Each calls for good behavior in return for money. One comes with an application form and is just more courteous than the other. Liberals should realize, in my opinion, that they can brandish at non-cooperative communities their carrot like a stick. Being a mushy moderate neoliberal who doesn't really care who...

How Custom Bike Shops Thrive in the U.S.

One last pragmatic consideration. If Sean Fraser spends the next two years negotiating arrangements with cities he can fairly claim will result in a bigger than 15 percent rise in home construction—which is the case in London—then running about advocating we should boost home building by 15 percent might not be such a great idea. Although this is more of a marketing than a policy issue, it seems strange to establish goals below that of your opponent. Poilievre can assert to have the more ambitious plan if, instead, his strategy was clearly to double housing starts in line with the general expert view; this would be made more likely by Liberal policy changes. Of course, none of this seems important. Governments occasionally pass death from old age. Perhaps message also counts more than policies. Conservatives must swing harder, though, if they wish to continue owning the housing file—which seems to have driven them into possible majority government zone. Conservatives must understand th...

The Business of Motorcycle Shows and Events in the U.S.

Once upon a time, a group of bikers arriving in town caused chaos. It's now considered a form of entertainment. What's better than hanging out with other motorcycle riders who share your interests? Check out our list of the largest and best motorcycle events in the United States to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare and enjoy the festivities! This event features loads of exciting music, motorbike shows, and demos of the latest models. People can look at dealer displays that include everything from bespoke upgrades to motorcycle accessories. Arizona Bike Week celebrates the riding lifestyle with a variety of enjoyable excursions through the state's picturesque landscape. The One Motorcycle Show Two rallies will take place in 2024: one in May (10-19) at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and one in September (30-October 6). Myrtle Beach Bike Week is the largest motorcycle festival in the Carolinas. The Spring Rally takes place between May 10 and May 19. During this ten-d...

How U.S. Motorcycles Are Competing in the Electric Vehicle Space

The government agreed to give subsidies to electric vehicles in order to minimize air pollution; VAT from 11% to 1% for electric cars and an average of 7 million each unit of electric motorcycle were among the changes. Given the prevalence of motorcycles, suitable motorcycle electrification can aid to lower road traffic accident count. Consistent with their great popularity, motorcycles account for most traffic incidents in Indonesia. Korlantas Polri reported 131,500 road accidents in Indonesia in 2022; motorbikes accounted for 74.35%. Starting with motorbikes helps to address safety concerns that will help to lower road accident rates. Five driver habits recognized by the Indonesian Road Safety Association (RSA Indonesia) lead to traffic accidents: being negligent toward vehicles from ahead, failing to keep a safe distance, turning carelessly, using poor road rules, and overtaking carelessly. Motorcycle maneuvering's simplicity lets drivers perform movements like cutting off over...

Understanding the Role of Labor Laws in Shaping Business Mechanisms Across the USA and Canada

In Canada, an employee has the right to "cause or notice" before being fired, which is the biggest difference. Most of the time, an American worker can be fired at any time (called "at will"), unless it's because of discrimination. So, if you work in a non-union Canadian workplace, you can't be fired unless the boss has a very good reason, like theft, and they pay you the equivalent of a few months' pay (about one month for every year of service, but that's just a rule of thumb). People in the US don't have to do that. they can just get their last paycheck and be sent on their way.One big difference is the rules about maternity leave. In Canada, companies must give their workers time off for maternity and/or paternity leave when an employee has a child or adopts a child. Employees have the right to a full year of maternity or paternity leave, during which they can keep their jobs and be protected until they return. All working Canadians can get E...

Business Law and Compliance in the USA and Canada

Canada is a continuously attractive place to do business, whether as a Canadian corporation or a foreign investment. It frequently features on Forbes' list of the top countries for business and is a desirable location for IPOs, with the Toronto Stock Exchange becoming an increasingly favored exchange for overseas corporations. However, like with any other nation, doing business in Canada involves its own set of laws, rules, and procedures, particularly in terms of governance, risk, and compliance. With Canadian board directors who fail to comply with national and local regulations possibly facing legal consequences for their conduct, it is critical that anybody in charge of compliance and corporate governance understands their roles and responsibilities. Here, we look at all of the challenges surrounding governance and compliance in Canada. Being Compliant When Conducting Business in Canada Operating in Canada, like any other nation, requires compliance with country-specific regul...

Understanding the Role of Labor Laws in Shaping Business Mechanisms Across the USA and Canada

The fundamental strength of Why Empires Fall is that we now have a better understanding of Rome's fall and the development of external influences that contributed to its demise. But going from that insight to advocating for a variety of progressive policies to save the West, primarily directed at the United States, is straining the fall of Rome analogy. In Margaret MacMillan's book The Uses and Abuses of History, American historian John Lewis Gaddis warned that if we merely use history as a rearview mirror, we risk ending up in a ditch.  The saintly editors at The Hub have consented to use one of my two monthly articles for the site as a monthly transatlantic journal. For readers unfamiliar with the format, which is more typical in British journalism, the diary is a collection of brief articles, some on a common theme, others not. In my case, they have one thing in common: they are either too insignificant to warrant a whole piece, or I can't be bothered to come up with any...

From Crisis to Growth Business Recovery Insights in the USA and Canada

Brazil has made significant progress in the establishment of a solid foundation for long-term economic development over the past decade. Brazil has become an appealing destination for foreign direct investment as a result of recent enhancements in environmental compliance and business transparency. Opportunities for investment in Brazil are further underscored by a combination of factors, such as low inflation and favorable interest rates. Furthermore, businesses will be able to recruit and retain employees due to the anticipated high unemployment rate. These factors in Brazil are in stark contrast to developed markets, such as the United States, that were likely on the brink of a downturn prior to the pandemic. The next positive cycle in Brazil is expected to be even more robust. according to experts, due to the current market fundamentals. This is due to the fact that there will be more value to be obtained in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. Although conservative strategies wil...

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