Canada's Importance in US Trade Policy
The structure of the model is flexed in Box 1; how different vibes of the AEC are included in the model is summed up in the final column of Table 3; and the results of various scenarios are served up in Table 4. The variable reported in this table is like a summary of how much national income gains we get in different situations, based on assumptions about integration policies. The full implementation of the AEC would totally flex real incomes by $69.4 billion, or 5.3 percent of regional GDP over the 2004 baseline—a mad number compared to those usually estimated in FTA studies. This study is like, saying that a big reason for the increase is because of stuff in the AEC that's way more than just AFTA. The effects of the full AEC are like, seven times bigger than the effects of the remaining liberalization under AFTA. Like, around half of the extra perks come from trade facilita- tion (the diff between AFTA and AFTA+), and half from in- vestment facilitation (the assumed diff between...